Be aware, there might be hidden camera in changing room
Be aware, there might be hidden camera in changing room
Television to the world of comedians laughing amusing artist Bishnu Pandey 'mailaba "wept bitterly themselves are now. Disease, and to helping those in mourning, even the spectators are grieving artist. 2 days in the span of 2 sons could not bear the pain gumaudako have become as unconscious. Even relatives to remind them of the words are not upset bhetaeka. Pandey, journalists and comedians take timro both children are lost. 2 years, 9 months, the oldest son died svavisanako on April 20, saying he had lost his ekadinapachi Sunday youngest son Kiran are also.
Eldest son had gone to a neighbor's house a week svavisana hot milk down and seriously injured. All of them rushed to the fire damaged ghatimuniko Kanti Children's Hospital in Butwal progress had been taken. He died in course of treatment.